Tuesday 3 January 2017

Plans for 2017

It's now 2017. So what are the plans for this year? What are the main goals?

Well as Robert Burns said...
"The best laid schemes o' mice an' men, Gang aft a-gley."
2017 has started with a major problem... Me. I have spent most of December fighting a lung infection which antibiotics just isn't shifting. It's not the first time I've experienced illness over last year. So it's clear that this years' priorities must be my health. But on the back of this it means that the plot has been neglected.

Neglect over the winter it's not too much of an issue though because nothing is really growing, but it has stopped me from some important work, such as putting up the second greenhouse. The greenhouse has been donated by my plot neighbour in return for use of shelf space. So I have to get the thing erected as a commitment to them as well as our needs.

I've already been through the seed catalogues ordering for next year. Going to be doing some old favourites like the sweetcorn again, as well as trying some Butternut squash, and of course the courgettes of which we have plenty of seed possibles with the marrows stored on top of the kitchen cabinets.

There are a number of things which need doing, apart from the greenhouse. Building more raised beds. Prune back the grape vine (and probably the apple trees). Building an anti-pigeon cage to protect the central beds.

None of which will happen for a while. So at the moment all I can do is sit here, occasionally coughing up what looks like runny scrambled eggs, and dream about the rest of the year. One thing is for certain though... it's got to get better.

Hasn't it?

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