Sunday 14 June 2015

War on weeds

If your plot is anything like mine, then the weeds are everywhere you turn.

You uproot a weed, turn your back for 5 mins and another takes it's place. It seems like it's a never ending infestation of weeds all over the place.

The angle above doesn't really do it justice, but it's about 20cm deep pile of weeds that was roughly pulled out of just one bed and it's surrounds. The bindweed gets thrown in the bucket. The other weeds get thrown on the compost.

But at least the plot looks a little clearer now. (But still more to do.)

There is a marked difference between the strawberries outside, and those raised in the greenhouse. They're the same plants (the greenhouse ones were offshoots from runners). But the inside ones have certainly ripened faster. Only a couple of the outside ones have ripened. But the biggest difference is taste. The inside ones are very sweet but the other seem a little bitter. Maybe we should just wait a while until the rest are fully ripe. Not long to wait.

There are flowers appearing on the rogue potato. Not sure when you should actually harvest them. Does anybody know? The rogue is probably a Charlotte. The ones in the bags are Maris Peer's and Red Roosters. Although due to a mix up, we're not sure which is which.
Also... note the BlackFly. Yes that horrible scourge has returned in great numbers. Consider the Artichoke which always gets them.

Still there do seem to be a few Ladybird Larvae around. Go get 'em.

For the past few Sunday's we've been going to the local Car Boot sales. Not to buy. To try and offload some of the huge amount of "stuff" that we (read "the wife") has collected over the years.

Seems like a good way to make some space, and maybe raise a few coins. Problem is people are so stingy. Would you really bargain down something that's already priced at 50p?

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