Saturday 1 March 2014

Working in the shop (Again)

Back on shop duty again today. This time I was paired with Chris, who was last seen having creative differences with Alison on the barbecue. Very quiet in the shop today, despite it being a nice bright sunny day. The only thing that sold were bags of compost and potatoes.

So sunny that it is time to sort out the greenhouse. If you remember it's been a bit flooded in there so it needs a good clean out and reset of the floor and layout. The first problem is getting everything out. The shelves that are in there are too big to fit through the door. So I first have to remove the diagonal bracing and loosen the corner joints so that it can tip up at an angle to get out of the door. Took a while to do, but I eventually managed it.
Mucky floor

So now with all the buckets, plant pots, pallets and of course the shelves out I can sort out the floor itself. Dragging the weed proof membrane out is not hard to do. Nor is cleaning it off (with helpful buckets of water from the water tank). The rake was removed from it's duty as a window brace and used to re-level the floor and by thickening the main walkway. I dragged in an old piece of carpet to help stabilise the floor before bringing the now clean membrane back in.
I re-arranged the shelves to solve a problem when I first built them last year. Now I have the 'L' shape I wanted, which gives me slightly more working space in the greenhouse.

Everything back inside

Now I feel ready to start planting seeds and such. Actually, I feel ready for a stiff drink, so seeds can wait until tomorrow.

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